Hi, my name is Jeff Hartman, recognized as the “The Neptune Man” and I have helped thousands of Maytag Neptune owners since 2006
get more life out of their washers and saving cash by reducing or even eliminating service calls so let me help you too!
Loretta is the reason I offer my clients money saving solutions for their Maytag Neptune washers. Back in September, 2008, Loretta’s Neptune started sounding like a jet plane taking off and she called a serviceman
to take a look and discovered that it would cost $950 to replace her large outer tub which includes new bearings and seal. How frustrating!
Since I repaired her door latch wax motor issue she called me to see what I could do about jet engine sound that was getting louder. I
stopped by with the Neptune bearing tool kit and replaced her bearings and seal in about 3 hours and created a Maytag Neptune Bearing and
12002022 seal kit that works on all of the solid door panel Neptune’s as well as the special tool kit rental program to save more time and effort.
Now you can replace your Maytag Neptune bearings and seal and save about $850 or more if you have to finance a new washer and
dryer set. Why buy a new set when you can get many more years out of your Neptune? If you discover that your washer is un repairable simply write RTS on the package and send the kit back for a refund.
I am so thankful that Loretta called me again so I can save more folks like you a bunch of money on their washer repairs!
Thank you,
Jeff Hartman
“The Neptune Man”
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